The unveiling of the Snapdragon X Plus SoC could be pretty close. Qualcomm is apparently internally testing at least two models in the series, called the Snapdragon X Plus X1P46100 and X1P44100, on two platforms equipped with Snapdragon X65 5G modems. And it’s been doing so since February. As a result, we wouldn’t be surprised to see Arm SoCs for Windows systems make their official debut during Computex in June.
Unfortunately, the revelation, the work of Winfuture, does not bring with it any new technical information. For the time being, all we know about the Snapdragon X Plus series is rumours that speak of a 10-core CPU versus the 12-core CPU of the flagship Snapdragon X Elite series. But it’s possible that the Snapdragon X Plus will also be less equipped than the higher-end models from the point of view of the unit dedicated to AI calculations and the GPU.
The two models in question are added to the list that emerged from a Qualcomm driver that previously revealed the existence of four variants of the Snapdragon X Elite, presumably differentiated from each other in terms of frequencies and memory equipment, and four variants of the Snapdragon X Plus, presumably subject to similar differences.
Below is the complete list of SKUs known to date of a series that, thanks to the new Oryon cores designed by Nuvia, promises to wreak havoc on the laptop segment by offering a mix of high performance and high efficiency.
Snapdragon X Elite X1E84100
Snapdragon X Elite X1E80100
Snapdragon X Elite X1E78100
Snapdragon X Elite X1E76100
Snapdragon X Plus X1P64100
Snapdragon X Plus X1P62100
Snapdragon X Plus X1P56100
Snapdragon X Plus X1P46100
Snapdragon X Plus X1P44100
Snapdragon X Plus X1P40100
Recently, what is presumed to be the flagship Snapdragon X Elite chip, capable of up to 4.3 GHz frequency, was the protagonist of an official presentation by Qualcomm aimed at underlining the SoC’s ability to surpass the Intel Core Ultra 155H and 185H in terms of power, efficiency and performance of the integrated GPU. The first Arm Windows laptops equipped with Snapdragon X Elite processors are expected in the summer, along with the new release of Windows 11.